Algemene Voorwaarden RAI Hotel Services

Deze tekst is alleen beschikbaar in het Engels.


Article 1 - Definitions
The following terms and expressions are defined as follows in these Standard Terms and Conditions:

1.1 Accommodation: Hotel rooms, Hostel rooms, Motel rooms, etcetera in a Hotel.
1.2 Convention Centre: RAI’s Convention Centre, at Europaplein 24, Amsterdam.
1.3 Event: every exhibition, congress, conference, exhibition, theatre production or other event held in the Convention Centre.
1.4 Guest: You and the natural person(s) on whose behalf You make the Reservation.
1.5 Group Reservation: every Reservation of ten (10) or more rooms per night in a Hotel.
1.6 Hotel: the provider of the Accommodation available from time to time for Reservation on the Platform.
1.7 Hotel Services: the online purchase, order, (facilitated) payment and/or Reservation service as offered or made possible by RAI with regard to Accommodations made available from time to time by Hotels on the Platform for Participants of a specific Event mentioned on the Platform.
1.8 Individual Reservation: every Reservation related to a maximum of nine (9) rooms (i.e. nine rooms or less) in a Hotel.
1.9 Participant: anyone present or involved in an Event, including visitors, exhibitors, suppliers, speakers etcetera.
1.10 Platform: any (mobile) website on which the Hotel Services are made available by RAI.
1.11 RAI: RAI Amsterdam B.V., which has its registered office at Europaplein 24, 1078 GZ, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, registered in the trade register of the Chambre of Commerce under number 92449174.
1.12 Reservation: reservation of an Accommodation direct or indirect (via mail) on the Platform.
1.13 Standard Terms and Conditions: these Standard Terms and Conditions for RAI Hotel Services.
1.14 You: the natural or legal person concluding the Individual or Group Reservation of the Accommodation.


Article 2 - Applicability of the Standard Terms and Conditions

2.1 These Standard Terms and Conditions apply to all Hotel Services that are made available on the Platform and all Reservations through the Platform. By visiting the Platform, and / or making a Reservation through the Platform, You acknowledge and agree that You have read, understood and agree to these Standard Terms and Conditions.
2.2 RAI’s relationship with Hotels is subject to separate terms and conditions that determine the commercial relationship RAI has with each of these Hotels. Every Hotel acts in a professional manner vis-à-vis the Platform while making the Accommodation available on our Platform.
2.3 In addition to these Standard Terms and Conditions, the terms and conditions of a Hotel may apply to the Reservation. By making a Reservation with a Hotel, You agree to the relevant cancellation and no-show conditions of that Hotel, and any additional terms and conditions of the Hotel that may apply to Your Reservation and/or the stay at the Hotel. The cancellation and no-show conditions of each Hotel are available on the Platform on the Hotel's information pages, during the Reservation process and in the confirmation email.


Article 3 - Scope and nature of the Hotel Services

3.1 RAI offers the Hotel Services exclusively for certain Events.
3.2 RAI and/or the Hotel can cancel a Reservation if the Booked Accommodation, in whole or in part, was not intended for or will not be used by Participants to the specific Event.
3.3 Via the Platform RAI offers an online platform where Hotels can offer their Accommodations and where relevant visitors to the Platform can discover, search, compare and place an order, make a Reservation. By using the Hotel Services (e.g. by making a Reservation) You enter into a (contractually binding) relationship with the Hotel(s) with whom You Book an Accommodation. RAI only acts as an intermediary between You and the Hotel from the time You make Your Reservation. RAI will send You a conformation email for and on behalf of the Hotel(s) and, subsequently, transfers the details of Your Reservation to the relevant Hotel(s). If You did not receive a confirmation within 24 hours after Your Reservation on the Platform, You should contact RAI. RAI does not (re) sell, rent or offer Accommodations.
3.4 The information RAI discloses in providing the Hotel Services are based on the information provided by the Hotels. While RAI uses skill and care in providing the Hotel Services, RAI will not verify and cannot guarantee that all information is accurate, complete or correct, nor can RAI be held responsible for any errors (including glaring and typographical errors), any interruption (whether due to (temporary and / or partial) defects, repairs, upgrading, maintenance of our Platform or anything else), inaccurate, misleading or untruthful information or failure to provide information. Each Hotel is responsible at all times for the accuracy, completeness and correctness of the (descriptive) information (including rates / surcharges / prices, policies & conditions and availability) displayed on the Platform. The Platform is not (and should not be construed as) a recommendation or endorsement of the quality, service level, rating or star rating, of any Accommodation that is made available, unless explicitly stated otherwise.
3.5 The Hotel Services are made available for personal and non-commercial use only. It is therefore not permitted to resell, reuse, copy or screen any (content) information, software, Reservations, tickets, products or services that are offered on the Platform for any commercial or competitive purpose or activity


Article 4 - Prices

4.1 All prices for Accommodation are shown inclusive of VAT / sales tax, city tax and all other taxes (subject to change of such taxes) and surcharges, unless otherwise stated on the Platform or in the confirmation email. The Hotel may charge applicable fees and taxes (including tourist / city tax) or cancellation charges in the event of no-show or cancellation. Please note that tax rates might change without prior notice due to governmental regulations.
4.2 4.2 Obvious mistakes and (printing) errors are not binding.


Article 5 - Payment conditions

5.1 Individual Reservations require payment directly to the Hotel. If the Reservation concerns a non-refundable rate, the Hotel may require You to pay in advance by credit card on certain (non-refundable) rates or special offers, and therefore pre-authorize or charge Your credit card (sometimes with no refund option) when making the Reservation. Hotels may also require Your credit card details as guarantee for the Reservation in case of a no-show or cancellation. Payment of an Individual Reservation takes place at the Hotel. Check the (Reservation) details of Your chosen Accommodation thoroughly before making the Reservation. You cannot hold RAI liable or responsible for any (authorized, (alleged) unauthorized or misappropriated) taxation and will not reverse or reclaim any amount for valid or authorized charging of Your credit card by the Hotel (including for prepaid rates, no- shows and taxable cancellations).
5.2 Group Reservations require payment to RAI. RAI will pay the Hotels on Your behalf. The amount due will be invoiced to You in three instalments prior to the Event, as follows:
  • The first instalment will be 25% of the total fee and will be invoiced 4 months prior to the Event.
  • The second instalment will be 25% of the total fee and will be invoiced 3 months prior to the Event.
  • The third instalment will be 50% of the total fee and will be invoiced 2 months prior to the Event.
After the Event and after receipt of all Hotel invoices, RAI will send You the final invoice with detailed costs per group member.
The invoices are based on the most recent number of room nights. In case the total reservation value (*) has changed and affects the amount due this will be corrected in the next invoice.
Any additional charges have to be paid by the guests upon departure. All invoices of RAI must be paid in accordance with the term stated on the invoice.


Article 6 - Communications, including claims and complaints

6.1 After completing Your Individual Reservation via the Platform, all communications will be directly between You and the Hotel. Complaints or claims relating to the Hotel must be dealt with by the Hotel. RAI is not responsible for and disclaims any liability with regard to such complaints, claims and liabilities.
6.2 After completing Your Group Reservation via the Platform, all communications with the Hotel will be done by RAI.
  • All communications, notifications, cancellations, additions, questions and complaints, should always be sent to RAI via the Platform or via
  • All communications sent to RAI after 11:00h am CET will be processed by RAI the next working day.
  • All additions are automatically subject to these Standard Terms and Conditions.
  • A final list including the name(s) of the guest(s), Booked Hotel, the room type, arrival and departure dates should be sent to RAI no later than 4 weeks prior to arrival.
6.3 For Group Reservations, RAI will never be liable to refund more than the amount received by RAI from the Hotel.
6.4 Complaints or claims relating to the Hotel Services provided by RAI should be sent to RAI via preferably immediately and in any event within two (2) months after completion of the Hotel Services. Complaints submitted after this period will not be considered by RAI.


Article 7 - Risk and liability of RAI

7.1 RAI is not liable for any loss or damage suffered directly or indirectly by You, unless in case of gross negligence of wilful intent on the part of RAI.
7.2 You acknowledge and agree that the Hotel is solely responsible and assumes all responsibility and liability with respect to the Reservation (including all warranties and representations made by the Hotel). RAI is not a (re)seller of the Hotel.
7.3 RAI does not accept any liability or responsibility for any communication with the Hotel on or through its Platform. You cannot derive any rights from any request to, or communication with, the Hotel, or (any form of) acknowledgment of receipt of any message or request. RAI cannot guarantee that every request or message will be received / read, complied with, executed or accepted (properly and in time) by the Hotel.
7.4 RAI shall not be obliged to intervene in any disputes between You and the Hotel.
7.5 RAI will never be liable for loss or damage suffered by You as a consequence of force majeure. For this purpose force majeure is deemed to include every independent circumstance beyond the control of RAI (even if this could already have been foreseen as a possibility when the agreement was concluded) which temporarily or permanently prevents performance of the agreement including but not limited to acts of war, terrorism, ci strikes, transport difficulties, fire and other serious disruptions to the business of RAI.
7.6 Any liability of RAI is limited to the amount paid out under the terms of RAI’s liability insurance, always provided that, in the absence of cover, RAI’s liability is limited to the value of the Reservation.


Article 8 - Personal data

8.1 8.1 RAI respects Your personal data and will process Your Personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). More information can be found in the RAI privacy statement under Hotel Services.


Article 9 - General provisions

9.1 If and insofar as any provision of these Standard Terms and Conditions is void or voidable, the other provisions will remain fully in force. RAI will then adopt a new provision to replace the void/voidable provision, which will take account of tenor of the void/voidable provision as far as possible.
9.2 RAI reserves the right to amend the Standard Terms and Conditions. Once the amended Standard Terms and Conditions enter into force, they will replace all previous standard terms and conditions, unless expressly indicated otherwise by RAI.
9.3 These Standard Terms and Conditions are governed by Dutch law.
9.4 All disputes arising from the agreement between You and RAI will be referred exclusively to the competent court in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
